
Friday 20 May 2011

Film CRITIC: creation (DVD)

In the creation, the idea of corporate espionage is taken to the next level. Dominic Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) is a "Extractor" - a person who, thanks to technology developed by the military, shared dreaming steals information of a sensitive nature of his targets. ? with his man point Arthur (Joseph Gordon-Levitt), Cobb was attempting to extract information from Japanese businessman Saito (Ken Watanabe), but things went wrong when the subconscious representation of evil dead wife (Marion Cotillard) is presented and ruined the plan. ?, it turns out that Saito was hearings Cobb and his team for to make them an offer - to try and "creating"., the concept of planting an idea in mind of a person and making them think that it was their own idea.

Cobb - who was a fugitive wanted by the justice of the United States suspicion of the death of evil - has been unable to see her two children, and Saito for him cleared of all charges in exchange for the caregiver is too attractive to pass up. ? Saito intention is to have Robert Fisher (Cillian Murphy)the son of rival corporate terminal of Saito, dissolve empire from his father. ?But, they can not simply to plant the idea in mind of Fisher; in a dream they need give the suggestion in a more metaphorical State, many dream-deep layers, to allow to give the idea. ?

To help out Cobb, it recruits Eames (Tom Hardy), a forger who can change his appearance in dreams, Ariane (Ellen Page), an architect of the student to assist in designing the dream and Yusuf (Dileep Rao), a chemist who came with a special formula to keep people under sedation in the state. ? dream shared in a sedative State, to wake up after a dream, you must be killed in the dream (and the pain is very, very real), or awakened by a "kick" - that sensation of falling. ? the problem with the three levels of deep pass - they need to do to cause the "creation" Fisher - ?is time stretches exponentially by means of each layer, and finally know the difference between reality and the dream could be nearly impossible. ?, aggravating the situation is the guilt of Cobb on the death of Mol, which seems to be occurring in the form of Mol invade dreams. ? Ariadne seems to be the only one to recognize the precarious situation, and while the team tent "creation", they are all run the very real risk of being lost in the dream.

Directed by Christopher Nola, creation was one of the films more original I've seen in a long time. ? One pass you the unexplained concept share the dream, the story becomes very involved, and performance of the engaging. ? DiCaprio, as a man who is torn up the Interior of the death of his wife and the loss of her childrenwhile trying to keep together and lead a team with a mission dangerous, is quite solid ? the visual aspect of the film is large, with of beautiful nightmares in reality but have something just a little "off" on them. ? climax together - alternating between three different nightmares - is a tremendous achievementhelped in no small way by score. excellent ? by Hans Zimmer, there are a lot of subtlety for the film, and he brandishes very well on multiple views.

Recently, the film was released in DVD and Blu - ray, and I must say, I was extremely disappointed with the Visual presentation of creation on DVD. ? colors are not very saturated (they have mastered in the original theatrical presentation), but it is in the dark where live details. Nothing is really bright in this transfer; even the snowscapes look grey and lifeless. Compression on DVD feels too high. the average flow appeared to be about 4 MB/s - well below what they could have done, even for a film that runs for 2.5 hours. ? instead of the maximum amount of space to use disk for video output (something easily achievable due to the lack of extras) creation feels pressedcompressed, and suffers from a soft image with blocky artifacts. ?It almost as well as the people of Warner Brothers were intentionally trying to exit in DVD encoding below standards, to push Blu - ray quality. ?faring a little better than the visual aspect, audio creation is presented in English, French and Spanish Dolby Digital 5.1. ? This is a fairly good piece with an excellent mix. ? dialog is clean and understandable, even among the sequences. ? action more frantic and powerfulthe surrounds and subwoofer will get a workout, and Hans Zimmer score gets much attention.

Supplements on the output DVD creation are clearly - as video quality mixed - to push people to the Blu - ray release. ? where Blu - ray release contains 45 minutes of "Extraction Mode focus Points", only four of these articles - for a total of 12 minutes - have been included on the DVD release. ? "The creation of creation" (SD) (16 x 93 minutes) is a short glance with film director and screenwriter Christopher Nolan and producer Emma Thomas on how Nolan has designed premise. ? of the film "the castle of Japanese: The Dream is Collapsing" (SD 16 x 9, 3.5 minutes) explores Saito dream scenery design, and how they made it look like, it was destroyed. "Construction paradoxical Architecture" (SD 16 x 9, 2.5 minutes) examines how they created the illusion of the Penrose steps, which are infinitely extending back in a loop in a very clever optical illusion. "Freight Train" (SD 16 x 9, 3 minutes) looks at how they created a physical to a truck and taken goods through traffic train in downtown Los Angeles. ?

That's all it is on the DVD. ?, no other extras, remain "Talking Points", preview 5.1 of 40 minutes of the score by Hans Zimmer, the long 45 minute documentary on the dreams, the prequel comic motion for 15 minutes, the Gallery of conceptual art, as well as trailers and television spots are all absent of the ? of DVD release, but they are all on Blu - ray release. ? combined with the poor film visual presentation, if it is not an indication of the studio they want that pass you to Blu-rayJe know not what is. ? creation is a large film and he has a solid Blu - ray release. ? release Too bad the DVD is like a bad dream.

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